About Us

About Niemes: Our School, Our Programs, Our Commitment

Niemes is proud to be a National Magnet School with an emphasis on Environmental Science and Technology. A child with a strong interest in animal life, the outdoors and science will thrive in the Environmental Science and Technology Programs at Niemes Elementary. Our innovative program encourages the students’ love for the natural world and empowers them to become an active participant in the stewardship of their planet. We strive to combine high expectations, stellar educational programs and a partnership with parents and the community to provide the best educational experience for each child.

Make a Difference: Niemes Elementary is proud to be on the cutting edge of environmental education and in alignment with the State of California’s emphasis on environmental principles. Our students develop awareness of the interconnection of all species and ecosystems on our planet through integration of environmental science and technology across all subject areas. Kindergarten through sixth grade students explore these concepts in the general education classroom, in our Environmental Science Laboratory and Outdoor Garden Habitat, and in the community in which they reside.

Investigate: Field trips, research explorations, and community projects are some of the ways classes explore our natural world. Participation in community gardens and recycling projects teach our young people about the importance of responsibility and ownership of their ideals.

Research: Utilizing state-of-the-art technology equipment and instruction in our computer laboratory and in classroom technology centers, students collect data, connect to the world, and develop high quality informational presentations to share with others. Students make worldwide connections with scientists and other students as they share and exchange knowledge about their world, while enhancing their technology skills.

Additional School Highlights:

High Academic Expectations and Consistent Behavior Standards
Thanks to the strong commitment of staff, students, and families to the academic success of every child we continue to meet and surpass our academic growth goals of the California State Standards.

Dual Immersion Program
English speaking and Spanish speaking students in this program are immersed in both languages throughout their school experience. The program produces students that are fluent in reading, writing, and speaking both English and Spanish when they exit the program at the end of sixth grade.

Gifted and Talented Education (GATE)
An individualized education program is developed for each child who has qualified for the GATE program in both the Dual Language and English programs, to enhance and enrich their learning throughout their academic experience. Additional projects include 5th Grade Science Club, and a 6th Grade Lego Robotics Curriculum.

Focus on Academic Performance After School Program
Open to TK through 6th grade students, Monday through Friday our ABC Excels, includes homework assistance and physical education activities. There is no charge to families.

Niemes Band
Beginning and advanced band instruction is open to fourth, fifth, and sixth grade students throughout the school year.

After-School Athletics
Our After School Running/Walking Program is available to students, first grade through sixth, and parents, once a week after school, on our large school field. In addition, Niemes offers Soccer and Volleyball to specific grade levels.

Community Celebrations
Our entire community looks forward to our Family Events. Events change yearly, but may include a Fall Festival, International Family Night, Family Movie Nights, Spring Concert, Talent Show, and our Annual Environmental Festival and Science Fair.
  • Program Features
  • Environmental science and technology curriculum integrated into all subject areas
  • Environmental science laboratory
  • Outdoors garden habitat/ 1 acre Nature Center
  • State of the art technology equipment programs and high speed internet
  • In-classroom technology centers
  • Computer laboratory
  • After school environmental program
  • Green school ecology/Recycling program
  • Environmental Stewards Student Council
  • Community recycling
  • Technology instructor
  • Environmental science instructor